exactly how is it the end of October already!?! as well as tomorrow is Halloween! Here’s what’s went down on the blog last week:
Project Pan: Lancôme Khol in like eye liner in chocolate Affair
I likewise compare a whole lot of brown eye liners.
Nordstrom Toronto beauty department – very first Impressions as well as Haul
It’s the begin of a lovely (dangerous) thing!
Favourites Lately: Late 2016
Instead of monthly favourites, I gather up my beauty favourites for 3 months as well as gush over them. This is the third installment of my quarterly favourites for 2016.
Maison Jacynthe makeup Launch
Testing out new makeup from a Canadian natural beauty brand – just look at all those quite eye shadow colours.
MyLipAddiction.com beauty Podcast: I almost Peed My Pants!
My very first episode on Cat’s MLB beauty Podcast acting as co-host – we share some freaky ghost stories. I’m such a scaredy cat…
• We went to second City last night to see their newest show “Come What Mayhem“. My cheeks still hurt from laughing. We utilized to go to second City shows on a regular basis – I don’t understand why we stopped. As part of the tradition, we always eat dinner at Gretzky’s in advance (Wayne Gretzky’s bar) – their perogies are amazing!
• As part of the MUJI Canada opening of their newest place at Yorkdale buying Centre, they provided out these remarkable personalized carry bags to some blog writers / YouTubers:
And it was full of these goodies!
At first, I believed that bag of cotton candy was a pack of their facial cotton! I’ve sampled almost whatever already – the strawberry marshmallows with jelly inside are my favourite!
The funny thing is that while the SA went to fetch the carry bag from the office, I’d already gone to the checkout as well as bought almost all of the products included in the bag. So assumption what, I’ll be including some additional goodies in my MUJI skincare giveaway! …which leads me to:
• have you went into the MUJI Skincare giveaway yet? It ends tonight at midnight! I’ll be publishing the champion tomorrow at 7pm (EST).
So, are you all prepared for Halloween?
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PP12: Lancôme Khol in like eye liner in chocolate AffairIf you listened to the most recent MyLipAddition podcast, you would have heard me ranting about doing job Pan! I stay dedicated to this cause, however I have to admit, using the exact same makeup day in, day out, is truly difficult when you have so many other choices staring…
October 24, 2016In “Beauty”
My blogging HighlightsI’ve been procrastinating on completing off this entry since it will be my closure post. But, sufficient delay – it has to be done. This is going to be a rather self-indulgent post… at first I wasn’t planning on doing a publish such as this to wrap up the blog, however your comments…
March 12, 2018In “Beauty”
Favourites Lately: Late 2016This year I decided to do quarterly favourites so I’ve had listings for early 2016 (covering January to March) as well as mid-year (covering April to June), as well as now I’m showing my third quarterly favourites to cover July to September: It’s mainly summery products however a bit bit of autumn is creeping in……
October 26, 2016In “Beauty”